Developmental Delay Solutions

So many children are diagnosed with a developmental delay (DD).  DD is an umbrella term covering a wide variety of challenges and learning profiles. 

Beech Street Speech & Language collaborates seamlessly with your child’s multidisciplinary team, focusing not only on speech and language, but also on learning and feeding goals for comprehensive care and progress.

Expressive Language Delays:
Unlocking Expression Through Fun And Learning

Is your child struggling with cohesive storytelling? Pauses, inserts, or nondescript language hindering their communication?

These are all early signs that your child might have an expressive language delay, hindering their communication.  

Common Signs of Expressive Language Delays

  • Incoherent storytelling (not having clear timeline or missing key details like people, place, problem etc.) 

  • Pauses, inserts, and fillers  (umm, like, ahhh)

  • Use of nondescript language (the thing and the stuff)

  • Incorrect grammar (It hims jacket. I writed a story)

How We Help With Developmental Delay

At Beech Street Speech & Language, we specialize in expressive language delays, employing fun, engaging methods like games, arts, crafts, and gross motor integration into every session.

Our Story Champs program is just one of our many tools supporting narrative formulation and expressive language development. We prioritize age-appropriate expressive language skills and our approach will include some combination of:

  • Well thought out games integrating specific language targets

  • Arts and crafts activities with plenty of opportunities for practice

  • Gross motor integration to help your child target their goals without even realizing they’re working!

Contact us to learn more and explore how we can support your child’s expressive language development.

Receptive Language Delays:
Transforming Listening Skills with Creativity

Does your child struggle to follow directions or rely on visual cues? Blank stares during bedtime stories?

These observations could be indicative of a receptive language delay.

Common Signs of Expressive Language Delays

  • Difficulty following directions

  • Reliance on visual cues & prompts in class 

  • Blank stares during storytelling

  • Challenges in language processing

  • Beyond the point of “selective listening”

  • Working memory challenges 

How We Help With Developmental Delay

Beech Street Speech & Language targets receptive language challenges creatively, from scavenger hunts for direction-following to personalized market designs. 

We tackle language processing, listening comprehension, and working memory challenges in fun, engaging ways. We also support carryover of skills into your home and other contexts through home programs and parent training.

Contact us to learn more and explore how we can support your child’s receptive language development.

Why Work With Beech Street Speech

“Our clients finish speech when they graduate, not when they run out of sessions or benefits.”

At Beech Street Speech & Language, we develop expressive and receptive language skills through many different models and modes to ensure we are appealing to all learners and their motivations

We believe that expressing wants and needs and participating in storytelling is imperative in human connection and also in avoiding frustration! 

This is why we’re committed to identifying, targeting and developing expressive and receptive language skills in fun and engaging ways

Together with you, we’ll evaluate your child’s performance and pinpoint specific areas to target and improve overall language skills, meeting your child’s highest potential. 

Your Child’s Speech and Language Development Cannot Wait!

Get in touch with us today for a free consultation and screening to see if your child could benefit from this support. 

We're here to guide you every step of the way, promoting clear communication and self-confidence.